Install Wowza Media Server


January 28, 2020

Install the Wowza Streaming Engine™ software on your Windows machine by following this video tutorial.

Get serious about streaming with our highly customizable platform. Wowza Streaming Engine can be hosted on premises or in the cloud. And with the ability to configure virtually any streaming workflow, you’ll have complete control.

In this tutorial we talk about how to install Wowza Media Server 3.5 to a Windows machine. While installation is relatively simple, there are a bunch of othe.

Red5 Server will install and manage for its customers the Wowza if it is requested, because it is a licensed software the customer has to buy the software by himself. Red5 Server will provide assistance during the all process. If you are interested on installing Wowza Streaming Engine on your server please contact customer support. Red5 Server will install and manage for its customers the Wowza if it is requested, because it is a licensed software the customer has to buy the software by himself. Red5 Server will provide assistance during the all process. If you are interested on installing Wowza Streaming Engine on your server please contact customer support. Wowza installation 1. Wowza Installation Astin 2. Index- Kind of Editions- Pricing- Install JDK on terminal- Install Wowza Media Server- Wowza Server Starts and Stops- Example Test- Do Broadcasting using tools- Traffic Test Example 3. Installation of Video Streaming Server. 8.01x - Lect 24 - Rolling Motion, Gyroscopes, VERY NON-INTUITIVE - Duration: 49:13. Lectures by Walter Lewin.

Watch the video to find out how to get up and running. For more detailed information, access our Getting Started resources.

InstallFull Video Transcript

Justin Miller:

In this video, we’ll download and install Wowza Streaming Engine locally on windows, confirm that Wowza Streaming Engine is running, sign into Wowza Streaming Engine Manager for the first time and play a video-on-demand test stream. The most recent version of Wowza Streaming Engine can be downloaded from our website on the Downloads page. If you haven’t already purchased a license, you’ll need to register for a free trial to get a trial license. Wowza Streaming Engine is available for local or remote installation on Windows, 64-bit Linux and Mac, although we don’t recommend running on a Mac as the transcoder will not operate. Cloud deployments are also available for Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, and Alibaba Cloud. Once you’ve downloaded the executable, run the Installer, allowing it to make changes to your device.

The Wowza Streaming Engine Installer will initialize and once you’ve accepted the license agreement, you’ll need to enter your license and create an administrator account. Now, for this install we’ll have Wowza Streaming Engine start automatically and be installed in the default location. It’ll take a few minutes for the installation to complete, but once it’s finished, it’ll open the browser automatically to access Wowza Streaming Engine Manager. You’ll want to remember this URL. Wowza Streaming Engine is a powerful Java-based media server that allows you to transmux, transcode, and simulcast your live streams and video on demand. This gives you the greatest audience reach since your live video streams, which may come from many devices, can play on the most cutting-edge platforms as well as out of date hardware and software that uses older protocols.


To login you’ll need to use the administrator account you set up during installation. You’ll also want to create a source username and password for added security of your streams. Once in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager, you can verify that everything’s working properly by going to Applications in the menu and testing the VOD default application. This is an MP4 file that can be streamed to players using multiple protocols. We can use the test player to verify it’s working on protocols this browser accepts. While this often requires plugins to be installed, MPEG-DASH usually works by default. For HLS, under mobile, we can copy the iOS link. We’ll test the streaming protocol using VLC media player, which works with RTMP, RTSP, and HLS. Thanks for streaming and have a great day.

Additional Resources:

About Traci Ruether


  • Install JDK
  • Install Wowza Media Server

Android Port Setup

Android playback required that port 554 be on Wowza. Use the following steps to enable port 554 on Wowza

  1. Open [Wowza Install Location]Conf and edit the VHost.xml file.
  2. Find the line that says:<Port>1935</Port>And change it to <Port>1935,554</Port>
  3. Save the File
  4. Restart the Wowza Windows Service for the changes to take effect

How To Install Wowza Media Server On Ubuntu

'Note: you must also change your firewall rules to allow port 554 inbound to the Wowza server.'

Wowza RAM Configuration

Wowza ships with a default config file that allows only 768MB of RAM to be used for streaming. Medium to heavy volume servers this is not enough RAM for the service to function effectively.

It is recommended you increase RAM available to the Wowza service. Note, that the exact amount you allocate depends on many factors including available RAM, number of other services running (i.e. SQL, IIS, etc.) and the anticipated load. We recommend at least 3000MB for a medium duty server. Heavy load streamers will require 6000-8000MB of RAM dedicated to the Wowza service. These are guidelines only, you will have to determine your own Wowza RAM setting based on your needs and environment.

Note: this section assumes you are running the Java JDK. The “-server” switch mentioned below only works with the JDK version of Java and will cause an error if you use it with the JRE. See previous section on installing JDK.

  1. Open [Wowza Install Location]Bin and edit the WowzaMediaServer-Serivce.conf file.
  2. Find and edit the following line (remember you need to determine you own RAM setting per your environment, also the “-server” switch only works with the JDK): -Xmx768M
And change it to whatever RAM you determined (this example is 3GB) –Xmx3000M

  1. Restart the Wowza Service for the changes to take effect

Wowza Media

Wowza Application Configuration

After your Wowza service is configured you must create a Wowza Application, which is similar to Virtual Directories. These Applications folders (and corresponding configuration (CONF) folders ) tell Wowza what sub directories it will answer request for. For example, we will create an Applications folder (and corresponding Conf folder) for “Streaming”. Which means if someone sends a stream request to rtmp:// the Wowza server will service the request using the configuration setting stored in the Conf directory. See the Wowza administrator guide for detailed information.

In the example below we will create an entry for “Streaming”. You must have the storage location for your videos configured and accessible to the Wowza server before you perform this configuration. For this example we are going to assume we have created a folder on the V: drive called Streaming for this Wowza application.

  1. Open [Wowza Install Location]Applications and create a new folder called Streaming
  2. Open [Wowza Install Location]conf and create a new folder called Streaming
  3. Copy the file called Application.xml from the root of [Wowza Install Location]conf and paste in into the empty directory you just creatd called Streaming in the Conf folder.
  4. Edit the newly created applications.xml in Notepad.
  5. Scroll down to the <Streams> section and update the <StorageDir> to point to your data path (for this example we are using v:Streaming).Insert non-formatted text here<nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki>
  6. Save your file and restart the Wowza Serivces for the changes to take effect.
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