For auction the Mephisto-Modular chess-computer with a Mephisto carry-case running the 32-bit Genius and London programs at the enhanced speed of 40-MHz on the Motorola 68030 platform with Green OLED display module.The addition of new metal facia-plating facilitates the use of older program-modules in order to house properly the Genius and superior OLED PCB's.
- Your MEPHISTO is a high-quality product, manufactured in Germany. It is simple to use and yet offers a large number of features, which make your MEPHISTO an ideal tournament and training partner for everyone interested in chess. Picture shows Mephisto Polgar game control keys. There are 8 buttons used level set up and game options.
- Mephisto modular: Luis Barona ( Meca ) give me a Mephisto Modular chessboard, to study whether it could be reused for this project, instead of building one from scratch. The benefit is obvious: less work and lower economic cost, obtaining also a ' magnetic ' sensory board to connect via USB to the PC.
Comfortable, handmade, and a perfect fit: The shoes and sandals from MOBILS ERGONOMIC by Mephisto. Be inspired by the ultralight models and variety of our Spring/Summer collection, made from the finest natural leather! All our shoes of course offer the proven MOBILS quality: Innovative styling and sophisticated cushioning systems provide incomparable comfort for your feet while adapting to your individual needs.
One of the features of MOBILS shoes and sandals is their ALLOVER PADDING: soft and comfortable. This amazing padding applied between the lining and the upper leather ensures optimal comfort, softly surrounding your feet and avoiding unnecessary compression.
Thanks to the SOFT-AIR TECHNOLOGY of MOBILS, aching feet are a thing of the past. The SOFT-AIR midsole minimizes the shock resulting from walking. It protects your feet, relieves your joints, cares for your back and promotes a healthy environment inside your shoes.

The ANATOMIC REMOVABLE FOOTBED promotes the smooth movement of the foot and reduces the shock resulting from walking. It ensures a soft and tireless walk from all the styles of the MOBILS collection. You can also replace this footbed with your personal custom orthotics.

The innovative COMFORTEMP lining is a microfiber membrane that regulates temperature. This membrane ensures that the temperature inside MOBILS shoes remains pleasantly fresh at all times. And it maintains a healthy environment for your feet.
Dear Chess Friend!
Congratulations on the purchase of your MEPHISTO Polgar chess- computer!
We would like to welcome you to the growing club of owners of MEPHISTO chess-computers and hope that you will have many hours of entertainment with your new partner. Your MEPHISTO is a high-quality product, manufactured in Germany. It is simple to use and yet offers a large number of features, which make your MEPHISTO an ideal tournament and training partner for everyone interested in chess.
Picture shows Mephisto Polgar game control keys. There are 8 buttons used level set up and game options.
ELO Tournament Level
With this level you can set the approximate strength that you want Polgar to play against you with at the tournament level of 40 moves in hours. As in a game with a human opponent, Polgar will not show you its intended moves, its evaluation of the position etc.
Press the LEV key six times.
If you want to play against Polgar set at 2000 ELO points then press CL to confirm and you can start.
Should you want to change the setting, press ENT to announce an alteration (the first digit starts blinking), then use the TRN, INFO, MEM and POS keys (each corresponds to a digit in the LCD) to alter the setting. The possible settings in the LCD range from 0000 to 9999, however Polgar is programmed to accept an approximate maximum of 2000 ELO (value setting over 2000 are accepted as 2000). Settings under ELO 1200 cause Polgar to play approximately at 1200 ELO.
Press CL to stop the flashing and check your setting, if good, press CL otherwise press ENT to go back and reset. The chess clock is the same as for the tournament level i.e. is shown in the countdown mode.
ELO Active Chess (speed chess) level

This is the same as the previous section except that the computer now plays at the active (action, rapid or quick) chess level timing of 30 minutes for the whole game. As before, it is not possible to obtain the position evaluation, intended moves etc.
To set this level, press the LEV key seven times.
If you are happy with a strength of ELO 2000 for the game then press CL. If you want to change the level then do this as described in the previous section. First press ENT. Then use TRN, INFO, MEM and POS keys to alther the setting. Press CL to finish to finish the setting, check the setting (ENT allows you to go back and correct) and CL again to leave the Level mode.
The chess clock shown is set to the countdown mode as previously described.
ELO Calculation
Mephisto Modular Homes
- + means game won by the first player.
- = means game drawn.
- - means game lost by the first player.
It is exciting to be able to monitor your progress when training. As your Polgar has the official formula from the international Chess Federation (FIDE) stored in its memory. It can rate your last game against the computer in ELO (maximum 2400 ELO) and show this to you.
To find out your new ELO rating after a game first call up the special function by pressing the FCT key seven times. Next you have to press ENT to tell Polgar that you want to enter your last ELO rating (if this is the first time, then you can start with a rating of e. g. 1500). Then use the TRN, INFO, MEM and POS keys to alter the digits in the display for your ELO rating. Settings between 0000 and 9999 can be written in the display, but do not forget the maximum ELO is 2400.
Having typed your rating, press CL and continue by typing in the rating of your opponent in the same way as before - maximum EO 2400 and finish by pressing CL again.
The first digit on the display is flashing to show that an alteration can be made. Use TRN, INFO, MEM and POS keys to alter the digits in the display for your ELO rating. Settings between 0000 and 9999 can be written in the display, but don’t forget the maximum of 2400 ELO.
Having entered the ELO rating of your opponent, press CL.
The character for the result is now flashing, asking for the result of the game as follows:
Having entered your result press CL and the display immediately jumps to show you “ELO (NEW):” and the your new rating. Using CL you can leave the mode.
Your Mephisto Polgar is the fist commercial chess computer which has this feature!
The above are various excerpts taken from the Mephisto Polgar user manual.
These are just a few of the many interesting new features incorporated into the program. As you start a new opening the LCD display will also show you the name of the opening that you are playing. You have an infinite amount chess levels that you can set up and play. All in all this was one of the most interesting programs ever written for an 8 bit chess computer.
Mephisto Modular Board
The Mephisto Polgar chess program was written by Ed Schroeder and is one of the strongest 8 Bit chess programs available playing at an approximate 2200 ELO USCF.
Mephisto Modular Exclusive
Mephisto Polgar chess game module playing inside a Mephisto Muenchen Magnet-Sensory Board.