How To Update Cacti


Upgrading Cacti involves several steps, one of which is backing up the database. Since you created a symbolic link to the Cacti directory, you don't need to backup any files but instead we copy or move them from the old version over to the new one. Time for action - upgrading Cacti Create a backup of the database. To manage devices within Cacti, click on the Devicesmenu item. Clicking Addwill bring up a new device form. Descriptionand Hostnameare the only two fields that require your input beyond the defaults. If your host type is defined under the host template.

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How to install the Cacti software on a Raspberry Pi to monitor other servers.

Created on 22-JAN-2015

16 Steps total

Step 1: Install Raspbian on your SD Card

Step 2: Login to your Raspberry Pi

Step 3: Update your repositories

sudo apt-get update

Step 4: Upgrade all out of date software

sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 5: Install neccesary software dependencies for Cacti

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-client mysql-server php5-mysql php5-snmp php5-gd php5-ldap rrdtool snmp snmpd -y

How to update cacti on centos

* When mysql-server is being installed it will prompt you to enter a password for the SQL admin. Make sure to write this down (or remember it).

Step 6: Edit the php.ini file

sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

- scroll down until you find the line that starts with ';extension_dir'
- remove the ';' from before 'extension_dir'
- add '/usr/lib/php5/20100525+lfs/' after the equal sign on the line with 'extension_dir = '

- press CTRL - X to exit
- press 'y' to save changes
- press 'Enter' to keep the filename the same

Step 7: Edit the apache2.conf file

sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

How To Update Cacti

- scroll to the end of the file and find the line that reads 'Include conf.d/'
- Change that line to read 'Include conf.d/*.conf'

- press CTRL - X to exit
- press 'y' to save changes
- press 'Enter' to keep the filename the same


Step 8: Create php.conf file

sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/php.conf

How To Update Cacti

- paste the following into the file:

LoadModule php5_module modules/
AddHandler php5-script .php
AddType text/html .php
DirectoryIndex index.php

- press CTRL - X to exit
- press 'y' to save changes
- press 'Enter' to keep the filename the same

Step 9: Download Cacti

sudo apt-get install cacti -y

* ignore warnings you get about php

Step 10: Choose your web server

choose 'apache2'

Step 11: Configure the Cacti database

Choose 'Yes'

How To Update Catia

Step 12: Choose to autoconfigure Cacti

Select 'Yes'

Step 13: Enter the password for the MySQL root user

You created this is STEP-5
* Make sure that you dont mistype this. If you do then your installation of Cacti wont work.

Step 14: Enter a password for the database's administrative user

Make sure to write this down (or remember it).

Step 15: Login to the Cacti Website

- Open a browser and in the address bar enter: http://HOSTNAME/cacti
* My Cacti Server's hostname is 'cacti' so i entered: http://cacti/cacti
* You can also enter the Cacti Server's IP Address in place of the hostname.

Step 16: ! Spice up this article so that other admins can find it !

1 Comment

  • Pimiento
    spicehead-yvicz Jul 24, 2020 at 08:17pm

    An updated version of this manual would be great. many packages are not available anymore. And the last step was not successfull for me:
    Not Found
    The requested URL was not found on this server.

    Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) Server at Port 80

Hi all, I've just joined the forum as I have now purchased a Cactus 1.6 Flair BlueHDI (2015) and so far I'm very impressed.
I have been able to update the satnav mapping system up to the latest version (05/18) but I can't seem to find any firmware updates for the actual touchscreen unit. I am currently on SMEG 5.2.C.R1 (8/1/15). Does anyone know where there may be any updates I could download please.

How To Update Activex

I have seen a 5.6 update but that was for Singapore so I don't know if that would be compatible or not.
Any help would be gratefully accepted.