Run Bat Script As Administrator


I am trying to run batch file in windows 7. Above code is not working.:( plz help me. I have setup project in which i install database and run script using that bat file. It can't execute it, if i run that batch file as administrator manually than it executes and generates DB.

  1. Make a batch file in an editor and nameit.bat then create a shortcut to it. Nameit.bat - shortcut. Then right click on Nameit.bat - shortcut -Properties-Shortcut tab - Advanced and click Run as administrator. Execute it from the shortcut.
  2. Run a batch file as administrator To run a batch file as administrator of the computer, you need to mention the path of the batch file in the place of command in the runas syntax. For example, to run the batch file located at c:datamybatchfile.bat, you need to run the below command.
  3. 1 A batch file learning if it is run as administrator. 1.1 Run a batch file only if administrator; 1.2 Run a batch file only if not administrator; 2 Elevate Privileges; 3 BatchGotAdmin (Windows 8) 3.1 An example script to create a directory symlink; 3.2 An example script to create many symlinks.
  4. If you need administrator privileges to run it, right-click Command Prompt and then choose Run as Administrator. Use the “Change directory” command (cd) to go to the directory where the batch file is located. Type the name of the batch script (including the file extension) and press Enter.

Windows 10 >

I ran into this problem when working with symlinks on Windows 8.1 and then Windows 10. See Windows 10 symlinks.

The solution is pretty simple and it was tested and works on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Note that scripts like this will eventually find their way somewhere into my git repository:

Run Bat Script As Administrator
  • 1A batch file learning if it is run as administrator
  • 3BatchGotAdmin (Windows 8)

Run Bat Script As Administrator Job

With thanks to

Run a batch file only if administrator ∞

Run a batch file only if not administrator ∞

Run Bat Script As Administrator

An example of use can be found on my github:

Put this code more-or-less at the beginning of your batch file:

  • On Windows 10, as of 2016-01-31 this worked, but as of 2016-02-11 this no longer works.
  • I have not re-tested this code on Windows 8. It worked when I used it, some time ago.

    • Perhaps the change to Windows 10 also means this no longer works on Windows 8. I don't know.
  • I am told that cacls.exe is is deprecated in Windows 7 and newer, and changing calcs to icalcs works.

    • However, I've only ever used this as cacls.exe.
    • Perhaps this breaking in Windows 10 as of 2016-02-11 is because calcs.exe was removed.

Put this code more-or-less at the beginning of your batch file:


An example script to create a directory symlink ∞


I want to have an application's user data (configuration) in a place of my choosing.

This example happens to be for Path of Exile - (2013 game).

  1. Create the directory C:Path_of_Exile
  2. Create the directory C:Path_of_Exile_user data
  3. Create the file C:Path_of_Exilefilename.cmd with the below content:

example filename.cmd

TODO - Your source path can't have spaces in it. I don't know why.

An example script to create many symlinks ∞


Given a directory which has many files and subdirectories, create symlinks in a companion directory.

  1. Create the directory C:source
  2. Create the directory C:sourceone
  3. Create the directory C:sourcetwo
  4. Create the directory C:target
  5. Create the file C:sourcefilename.cmd with the below content:

example filename.cmd


SET 'SOURCE=C:source'
SET 'TARGET=C:target'

:: BatchGotAdmin
REM --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 '%SYSTEMROOT%system32cacls.exe' '%SYSTEMROOT%system32configsystem'

REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (

echo Requesting administrative privileges...
goto UACPrompt

) else ( goto gotAdmin )



echo Set UAC = CreateObject^('Shell.Application'^) > '%temp%getadmin.vbs'
set params = %*:'='
echo UAC.ShellExecute 'cmd.exe', '/c %~s0 %params%', ', 'runas', 1 >> '%temp%getadmin.vbs'

del '%temp%getadmin.vbs'
exit /B


pushd '%CD%'
CD /D '%~dp0'


:: Directories
FOR /D %%i in ( *.* ) DO (

ECHO * Processing %SOURCE%%%i
mklink /J '%TARGET%%%i' '%SOURCE%%%i'

:: Files
FOR %%i in ( * ) DO (

ECHO * Processing %SOURCE%%%i
mklink '%TARGET%%%i' '%SOURCE%%%i'


This works at the commandline (when run as admin!) but not from explorer.exe if I run a filename.cmd script with this:

cmd.exe, also known as a Command Prompt, is one of oldest software components in Windows. For decades, this command-line processor has been used to make direct changes to Microsoft operating systems. Batch files (also known as .bat files) are closely associated with Command Prompt. These files contain native commands that cmd.exe uses to process a sequence of commands. We’ll explain the unique features of these useful scripts and show you how to create, save, and run batch files yourself.

  1. Creating a batch file: Step-by-step tutorial
  2. Examples of more frequently used and complex batch scripts

What is a batch or .bat file?

A batch file (also known as a .bat file or batch script) is a text file that the Windows cmd.exe command line processor executes as a batch job. Command Prompt assumes both the role of interpreter and runtime environment. Put simply, a batch file is a computer program or script containing data or tasks that are processed sequentially by Command Prompt.

The term “batch processing” comes from the early days of data processing, when interactive processing was not yet possible. Back then, data sets were usually stored on punched cards that were processed one card at a time in batches. In modern computer operating systems, the term came into widespread use with MS-DOS (1981) and refers to the batch files we’re discussing in this tutorial.

Batch files allow you to use and run ordinary CMD commands with cmd.exe as the interpreter and runtime environment. You can also use comments, labels, variables, conditions, and queries when writing a batch file. To convert text files to batch files, you have to use the .bat extension in newer Microsoft systems. The .cmd extension was common in Windows NT and OS/2.

In 2006, Microsoft released PowerShell, another framework that allows you to program and execute batch files. It was made open-source and cross-platform in 2016 and uses the MIT license. PowerShell provides an alternative command line interpreter and its own scripting language called PowerShell Scripting Language.

Creating a batch file: Step-by-step tutorial

Creating your own batch files is useful for automating the execution of recurring command sequences. These sequences might include login processes or what is known as TSR programs (Terminate and Stay Resident) that you want to run continuously as background processes. In the following sections, we’ll explain the tools you need to create batch files and show you how to create, save, and run your own batch files.

Step 1: Select and open your editor

As mentioned earlier, text documents are a good starting point for batch scripts. To write your own batch file, all you need is an ordinary text editor. You don’t really need features like syntax highlighting, so the Notepad application included with Windows is perfect. To open it, simply type “Notepad” in the Windows search bar and click on the Notepad icon in the search results:

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with batch commands

You don’t have to learn complicated programming language to create batch files. But you doneed to know common system commands and understand how they work in batch files. That’s why you should familiarize yourself with some commands before writing your first script. Here are the most important commands to learn:

  • ECHO: Turns on the on-screen text display for executed commands
  • @ECHO OFF: Turns off the on-screen text display for executed commands
  • START: Runs a file with its default associated application
  • REM: Indicates a comment line
  • MKDIR/RMDIR: Creates or deletes a directory
  • DEL: Deletes selected file(s)
  • COPY: Copies selected file(s)
  • TITLE: Sets the title of the CMD window

For a complete list of the most important commands, see our comprehensive article on batch commands.

Step 3: Create and save a batch file

An easy introduction to the art of creating batch files is to write a simple script that creates multiple directories on a selected disk on your computer. For example, if you create and run a batch file with the following input, it will create two directories named “Example1” and “Example2” on drive C:

Simply copy the two lines into an empty Notepad document, as shown in the following screenshot:

To save these batch instructions or the script, click File and choose Save As... Specify the save location and enter a name for the script with the extension .bat in the File Name field:

Step 4: Run the new batch script

After you create and save the batch file, you have two options to run it: Either run the script in the familiar Windows Explorer environment or open Command Prompt and run it using a command-line command.

The first option is simpler and easier for beginners because all you have to do is go to the directory where the batch file is located and double-click to run it.

If a batch script contains commands that require administrator privileges to execute, you have to run the script as an administrator. In this case, right-click to select the batch file and then choose “Run as administrator.”

Run Bat File As Admin

If you want to open the batch file from the command line instead, do the following:

  1. Go to the Windows search bar and type cmd.
  2. Click Command Prompt to open the command line in the standard way. If you need administrator privileges to run it, right-click Command Prompt and then choose Run as Administrator.
  3. Use the “Change directory” command (cd) to go to the directory where the batch file is located.
  4. Type the name of the batch script (including the file extension) and press Enter.

Step 5: Editing batch files retrospectively

You can customize a batch script at any time, for example if you want to add or remove commands or modify directories. To do this, simply go to the folder containing the command line script and right-click it. Then choose Edit:

Examples of more frequently used and complex batch scripts

With the above step-by-step guide, you can create a wide variety of batch files with an unlimited number of different commands. However, scripts that you can use more frequently are definitely more useful in the long run. We’ll conclude with two examples of batch files with long-term value to illustrate the possibilities of batch processing with Windows Command Prompt.

Batch script with simple backup mechanism

The following example shows how useful batch files can be for creating regular back-ups of any directory:

When you create and run a batch file containing the line shown above, use the “xCOPY” command to copy the contents from the “source folder” to the “back-up folder.” You’ll need to adjust the directories containing these two folders accordingly. The three parameters at the end have the following effect:

  • /m: Ensures that only updated files are copied so that files that have already been backed up don’t have to be copied again during further back-up operations.
  • /e: Indicates that the back-up includes all subdirectories in the specified directory.
  • /y: Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file that was changed since the last backup.

Run Batch Script As Administrator

How to run file as administrator

Batch file with complex backup function

The above backup program allows you to copy the source files from the source folder to the destination folder. You can also create a batch file that distributes source data to multiple destination folders, in which case you can use the file type as a selection criterion. To do this, you need a for loop, which allows a command to run repeatedly with a variable argument:

The batch code shown above ensures that:

  • all files in the source directory with the .doc and .txt extensions are moved to the “Text” back-up folder.
  • all files in the source directory with the .jpg, .png and .bmp extensions are moved to the “Images” backup folder.
  • only updated files are copied.
  • the confirmation prompt is always suppressed.

This script only works if file names have declared extensions, otherwise matching documents won’t be found during batch processing, even if they actually have the right format.

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