- Remington Model 742 243
- Remington Model 742 Serial Numbers
- Remington 742 Woodsmaster Manufacture Date
- Remington 742 Woodsmaster Problems
AnswerI found on Remington Arms website that the serial number was made between 1951-1967 1,000-541,000Model 742 was only made from 1960-1980 so yours would have been made between 1960 - 1967. A serial number is printed on the receiver of each Remington rifle or shotgun, provided it's a newer model. Serial numbers were not a requirement until 1968, so older firearms may not have serial numbers. You can still use the two-letter code on the barrel of the rifle or shotgun to look up the firearm's age.
Once found on the gun, a reference to finding the date / code online? Download free la bruja german castro caicedo pdf descargar. Looking for the. Remington 742 manufacture dates, by serial number ~. Manufacture Dates. If you’ve enjoyed the features on this web site, you will enjoy a membership in the Remington collectors club: The Remington Society of America. Serial Numbers by date (factory record book) Serial Numbers by date (factory record book) 1903.
Remington Model 742 243
Since serial numbers were not required until 1968, your firearm may not have a serial number. For models without a serial number, we may be able to determine the age by the 2-3 letters that are stamped on the barrel. Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster was offered from 1960-1980. When was the Model 788 produced? Remington Model 788 was produced. Founded in 1816 by Eliphalet Remington. Company has distinction of being oldest firearms manufacturing firm in United States. Since 1856, it has been known by four different names: between 1856 and 1888, E. Remington & Sons; 1888-1910, Remington Arms Company; 1910-1925, Remington Arms U.M.C. Company (Union Metallic Cartridge Company); and 1925 to present, Remington Arms Company. MODEL 740-742 REMINGTON FIELD SERVICE MANUAL The Model 740 is an autoloading, high power, center fire rifle. To operate the autoloading action, a measured portion of the pro- pellent gases are exhausted from an opening at midsection of barrel as gun is fired. This gas drives action bar assembly rearward, carrying with it the bolt carrier.
Remington Barrel Date Code FIREARMS INFORMATION Remington never (*) used serial numbers to identify the date of manufacture of it's firearms, they however stamped a date code (spelled out below) by the first letter meaning the month and the last letter the year of manufacture. BARREL DATE CODE - stamped exposed on LH top rear of barrel after 1920 the following will only be stamped where applicable #2 Part order barrel (not originally assembled to firearm) #3 Service section received #4 Return as received #5 Employee sale R.E.P. On the RH side of the barrel will be a Magnaflux, Remington proof & a test mark If a gun is returned to the factory as a fire damaged, or blown up firearm, the factory will stamp it as a prefix to their date code with a #4 on the barrel and return it un-repaired. Then if the gun is ever subsequently returned to a warranty center or the factory by ANYONE, they will refuse to work on it as an unsafe firearm. REMINGTON MANUFACTURING DATE CODE stamped on LH top rear of barrel, 2 or 3 digit, (month first, year after) these will normally only be the last letters as seen below, with the whole list shown here ONLY if it had been returned for repairs The anchor shown here with the date code is just a symbol, as many different inspector marks will be seen The above information was taken from Remington's own information sheet, so if your gun may not conform, then I am also at a loss in explaining.
The factory says all barrels are date code stamped, well I have found some that are not, or if they are, are so erratic stamping that trying to decipher them is impossible. Individualjnaya karta beremennoj i rodiljnici primer zapolneniya. The photos below may help a bit. Both were taken off Remington 760s, with the one on the left, a 30-06 that I bought new October 10, 1954. This has been rebored to a 35 Whelen Improved.
The one on the right again a 30-06, but with a shorter barrel that I made into a knock around quad rifle with pivot mounts. Here the R represents November, & the ZZ would be 1953.
Remington Model 742 Serial Numbers
The fourth digit being a 3 is inconsequential being an assembly number. There is no inspector mark on this side. Here the first (LH) mark is the final inspector mark, the O represents July, the R would be 1968.
And the F again being an assembly number. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC B L A C K P O W D E R X 1920 = L 1930 = Y 1940 = J 1950 = WW 1921 = M 1931 = Z 1941 = K 1951 = XX 1922 = N 1932 = A 1942 = L 1952 = YY 1923 = P 1933 = B 1943 = MM 1953 = ZZ 1924 = R 1934 = C 1944 = NN 1954 = A (JAN.
Description: Autoloading, gas operated improvement of Model 740, 4-shot detachable magazine
Introduction Year: 1960
Year Discontinued: 1980
Total Production: Approximately: 1,433,269

Designer/Inventor: Research & Development
Action Type: Semi-automatic gas operated
Caliber/Gauge: .243 Win, 6mm Remington, .280 Remington, .30-06, .308 Win
Serial Number Blocks:
1951-1967 1,000-541,000
1968-1975 6,900,000-7,499,999
1975-1978 A6,900,000-A7,499,999
1978-1981 B6,900,000-B7,499,999
Grades Offered:
742A Standard
742ADL Deluxe
742BDL Deluxe
742CDL Deluxe Carbine
742C Carbine
Remington 742 Woodsmaster Manufacture Date
150th Year Anniversary
Canadian Centennial (1967)
Bicentennial 200th United States Anniversary (1976)
Remington 742 Woodsmaster Problems