Registrybooster 2


  1. Registry Booster 2012 Download
  2. Registry Booster 2011 Serial Key
  3. Registry Booster 2
  4. Registry Booster 2020 Free Download

The registry is one of the most important parts of Windows. Inside it we find settings that make both Windows and other programs tick. RegistryBooster 2 from Uniblue is a program that promises to clean, repair and optimize the registry for you. 6 users think registrybooster.exe is essential for Windows or an installed application. 2 users think it's neither essential nor dangerous. 7 users suspect danger. 11 users think registrybooster.exe is dangerous and recommend removing it. 5 users don't grade registrybooster.exe ('not sure about it').

Registry booster 2011

Registry Booster 2012 Download

After using your PC for a few months, you’ll soon find that it slows, takes far longer to boot and your complete system just seems to take far longer to achieve the same objectives from when you first installed Windows. There’s a good reason for this – many of us like to test new software and we’re often installing and removing applications. Each time you do this, files are left behind on your system, your Registry is cluttered with irrelevant information and references are left in your startup folder, so you PC attempts to launch applications that have disappeared from your machine.
Short of re-installing Windows every few months, the solution is to use a Registry optimisation tool that will scan through your entire Registry and look for irrelevant, out-of-date and redundant entries that are causing your system to perform slowly or even erratically.
Uniblue RegistryBooster is a solution for this problem and there are few tools better for getting the most from your Registry. Install, scan and you’ll be amazed with the amount of information it will find. You can then choose to automatically remove the irrelevant Registry entries or manually go through the options and select the ones you want to remove yourself. This can be a safer option and are many other options, too. You're able to run RegistryBooster every time your boot your PC and even perform a Registry defrag, which will run a deep optimisation and compact your Registry.
The program logs any changes it makes, and provides a Restore function to reverse them if you have any problems. However, it's probably a good idea to also back up your Registry before applying any tweaks (creating a system restore point is sufficient).

Registry Booster 2011 Serial Key


A useful PC optimisation tool that will give your system a boost by cleaning up the Registry

There are some firms you look at with a kind of wary admiration primarily because they were a marketing pioneer of their time. Or that’s what we thought.

Uniblue is one of these companies and, you should believe this is no understatement, it used to be major software developer, with adverts in every location, as little as eight years ago. Before it all went horribly wrong. Now Uniblue has closed the company for good with no prior warning whatsoever.

Registry booster 2018

Uniblue was well-known for system maintenance tools such as RegistryBooster which would scan your system, check for unnecessary entries in your Registry and claim there were issues that needed fixing. Supplied as a free tool, RegisterBooster would bully or scare the user into thinking their system had some serious issues that needed resolving.


To resolve the issues, you had to purchase RegistryBooster. Uniblue produced other software such as DriverScanner, PowerSuite and SpeedUpMyPC which was a general system toolkit. Most of the other tools were legitimate software, used by thousands of people without too many issues. It was RegistryBooster that was the problem.

Without pointing the finger ourselves, Uniblue teamed up with a massive US-based downloads website in 2009 and ran various offers and promotions to encourage their users to download RegistryBooster. They also bought specific adverts that sat right next to a download button stating 'STOP! Your system has errors!' or 'FREE SCAN!' or similar warnings that encouraged a user to download RegistryBooster from a conveniently placed advert, so the individual thought it was the technology website warning them that their system was faulty -- clever marketing from Uniblue.

I had the 'pleasure' of visiting Uniblue in January 2011 at its office in Malta and met with one of their Swedish owners in their rather plush Scandinavian-influenced office. The owners spent less time talking about their software and seemed to keen to boast how much they spent on advertising on this well-known US technology website we mentioned above. It was a good 5-figures/monthly.

That’s before it all went horribly wrong. Users started to realize that they were being warned that their system always had errors. Indeed, someone who bought RegistryBooster fixed the errors, re-ran the software, to find it reported they had errors again. An individual cottoned on to the fact that this was bogus software as a brand new out-of-the-box PC would be deemed to have 'errors that need fixing' even after the first boot. Indeed, someone proved you could install a fresh copy of Windows, with no third-party software, install RegistryBooster and it would still claim your system had errors.

It all came to a head in September 2011 when a plaintiff called Mary Webb (and plenty of her supporters) took Uniblue to court in the States citing that RegistryBooster did not function as advertised. Mary Webb won the case in 2012 and the court ruling stated that 'anyone who purchased anything from Uniblue in the last four years may be entitled to collect $12.50 for any combination of deceptive practices (such as empty claims about what a software can do) or problems with auto-renewal'.

As Uniblue had hundreds of thousands of users and that RegistryBooster had a relatively low RRP, $12.50 per user was a significant amount of revenue. Uniblue was ordered to pay the defendants attorneys’ fees and costs (approved by the Court in an amount not to exceed $1,200,000). Problem is, individuals who wanted to claim their $12.50 had to put in a request by January 2013 and it’s never been clear how many individuals were paid compensation or what happened since.

Registry Booster 2

It’s amazing that Uniblue managed to continue in business until 2018 as a result of this court ruling. You can only assume that the court action caught up with it eventually. We do know the original Swedish owners sold the company in early 2012, long before the court settlement.

Registry Booster 2020 Free Download

Bye Uniblue.