Impedansi Rumus


  1. Rumus Impedansi Rc
  2. Rumus Impedansi Ekivalen Trafo
  3. Rumus Impedansi Trafo
  4. Impedansi Rumus Dan

Maka diperoleh impedansi rangkaian sebesar 5 Ω. Tambahan: - Lihat rumus impedansi Z, di artikel Impedansi dan Reaktansi - Rumus XL, di artikel Reaktansi Induktif - Rumus XC, di artikel Reaktansi Kapasitif. Impedansi yaitu atau lebih sering disebut impedansi, menjelaskan ukuran penolakan terhadap arus bolak-balik sinusoid. Impedansi listrik memperluas konsep resistansi listrik ke sirkuit AC, menjelaskan tidak hanya amplitudo relatif dari tegangan dan arus, tetapi juga fasa relatif. Impedansi adalah kuantitas kompleks. Impedansi ekivalen urutan positif dan negatif diperoleh dari penjumlahan impedansi sumber urutan positif/negatif, impedansi trafo urutan positif/negatif dan impedansi penyulang urutan positif/negatif. Maka untuk memperoleh impedansi ekivalen urutan positif/negatif, dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus. Impedansi Saluran Transmisi Eko Marpanaji. Title: Slide 1 Author: TravelMate4152 Created Date: 7/15/2011 4:40:50 PM. Jika kita menggunakan amplifier 200 watt dengan load impedansi 4 ohm maka sistem dapat dibangun dengan 4 buah speaker box yang masing-masing speaker box menggunakan 2 buah speaker berimpedansi 8 ohm berdaya 25 watt yang diseri. Total impedansi masing-masing box speakernya menjadi 2 X 8 ohm = 16 ohm. Sehingga impedansi total dari keempat box.

Impedance of inductor and impedance of capacitor are special cases of the general representation of impedance. Impedance of inductor (also called inductance or inductive reactance) is the measure of the opposition to a change of the electrical current in this component.

It can be summarized, in a very general way, that an inductor lets the low frequencies signals pass (including the 0 Hz signals) and blocks the high frequencies signals.

The formula of the impedance of inductor is: Z = jLw , where:

  • Z: is the impedance in ohms
  • j: is the operator for imaginary numbers. (imaginary unit)
  • L: is the value of the inductor in Henrys (H)
  • w: is equal to 2.π.f, where the letter f represents the frequency of the signal applied to the inductor. (frequency unit is Hertz).

The “j” operator is not used with resistors because there is no phase difference between voltage and current. In other words, the voltage and current in a resistor are in phase.

w (angular frequency).

The value w depends directly on f (the frequency) and is measured in radians/sec. (w = 2.π.f)

For example for a frequency of 300 hz, w = 2.π.f = 2 x (3.1416) x 300 = 1884.96 rad / sec.

How to calculate the Inductance of inductor?

To calculate the inductance of an inductor we use the formula Z = wL.

Example 1:


How to obtain the impedance of a 25 mH inductor at 300 Hz.

Impedansi Rumus

Z = 2 x π x 300hz x 25mH = 2 x (3.1416) x 300 x 0.025 = 47.124 ohms

Example 2:

How to obtain the impedance of a 25 mH inductor at 50 Hz?

Z = 2 x π x 300hz x 25mH = 2 x (3.1416) x 50 x 0.025 = 7.854 ohms.

It can be seen from the two previous examples, where the value of the inductor is the same (25 mA), that the impedance is higher for higher frequencies. It can be summarized that the inductor let pass low frequencies signals (there is low impedance) and blocks the high frequencies signals (there is high impedance).

Example 3:

How to obtain the impedance of a 12 mH inductor at 60 Hz?


Z = 2 x π x 60hz x 12mH = 2 x 3.1416 x 60 x 0.012 = 4.524 ohms.

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Persentase Impedansi (Z%)

Sering kali kita temukan impedansi trafo pada setiap nameplate, tetapi apa sih sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan Z% itu?

Persentase impedansi dari sebuah transformator ialah voltage drop pada keadaan full load yang disebabkan resistansi kumparan dan reaktansi bocor yang digambarkan sebagai persentase dari tegangan rating.

Rumus Impedansi Rc

Selain itu juga menggambarkan persentase tegangan nominal terminal untuk melayani arus full load selama kondisi short circuit

Pengukuran Impedansi

Rumus Impedansi Ekivalen Trafo

Impedansi diukur dengan uji short circuit. Ketika salah satu kumparan dihubungsingkatkan tegangan pada kumparan yang satunya cukup untuk mensirkulasikan arus full load

Lihat gambar di bawah ini :

Persentase impedansi kemudian dapat dihitung sebagai berikut :

Z% = (impedance voltage/rated voltage) x 100

Percentage Impedance (Z%)

Rumus Impedansi Trafo

The impedance of a transformer is marked on most nameplates – but what is it and what does the Z% figure mean?

The percentage impedance of a transformer is the volt drop on full load due to the winding resistance and leakage reactance expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage.

It is also the percentage of the normal terminal voltage required to circulate full-load current under short circuit conditions

Measuring Impedance
The impedance is measured by means of a short circuit test. With one winding shorted, a voltage at the rated frequency is applied to the other winding sufficient to circulate full load current – see below:

The percentage impedance can then be calculated as follows:

Impedansi Rumus Dan

Z% = (impedance voltage/rated voltage) x 100